Saturday, April 26, 2008



Curious things, habits. People themselves never knew they had them.
Agatha Christie
English mystery author (1890 - 1976)
PROFANITY : Show me all your Fingers
Short of words? Charged with emotions? Frustrated? Flabbergasted and disgusted?

We all have violent languages and expressions. Often when provoked and drained of expressions, sounds and gestures erupt like a dormant volcano to rain fire and brim stones.

Devoid or gagged of such releases, a violent earthquake may ensue to swallow the very ground the opponent stands.

Language and gestures, as a release of an otherwise unrestrained violence, may be the only pressure release valve, like a pressure cooker snorting, hissing out steam.

However such ventilation are often echoed by an equal an opposite titillation raising the crescendo. Ancestors, mothers and reproductive organs, genitals and excrement are not far from the foul brew. These are hurled to balm the sore hurts, dented egos and lamentations.

Soon a very normal person with five fingers show signs of handicap. Instead of having 5 fingers, a single middle finger is raised which in return 2 fingers are shown. In aberration, blood boils, raising the temperature and rage transforms the man to a charging bull. The matador takes the bull by the horns, spears him and both are locked in a fight to the end. They wear each other and the last stab is fatal. Be gored stab, there is no turning back.
Profane words pierce deep like the sword, wounds, mars and kills a life, .... even if that be a bull.

We wrestle with raw emotions of all forms and in different manners. We subject these to harness their energies to productive use. In anger, if such energies are allowed to explode, violence, bloodshed and wars shall follow. Therefore the tongue has to be tamed or it will leave a burnt trail or bloody track.

“Rude” first appeared in English in the 14th century, derived from the Latin “rudis” (”unformed, inexperienced, or unpolished”) with the general sense of “ignorant, wild, or raw,” and quickly took on a wide variety of meanings, from “discourteous” to “crudely drawn” (as in “a rude sketch”). Somewhat surprisingly, “rude” is completely unrelated to “crude,” which is rooted in the Latin “crudus,” meaning “rough or cruel.” But the Latin root of “rude” did spin off two other useful words, “rudiment” (the “raw or most basic state” of something) and “erudite” (literally “brought out of ignorance”).

1537 (in L. form sycophanta), "informer, talebearer, slanderer," from L. sycophanta, from Gk. sykophantes, originally "one who shows the fig," from sykon "fig" + phanein "to show." "Showing the fig" was a vulgar gesture made by sticking the thumb between two fingers, a display which vaguely resembles a fig, itself symbolic of a cunt (sykon also meant "vulva"). The story goes that prominent politicians in ancient Greece held aloof from such inflammatory gestures, but privately urged their followers to taunt their opponents. The sense of "mean, servile flatterer" is first recorded in Eng. 1575.

Close your mouth. Open your hands and fingers for accountability.
Therefore keep your hands open, close your lips, fingers unclenched, count your blessings. Count your friends and make your friends count.
... Be swift to hear, slow to speak, slow to wrath. (Jas. 1:19)
For in-depth and detail study of profanity :
My problem lies in reconciling my gross habits with my net income.
Errol Flynn
US (Australian-Tasmanian-born) movie actor (1909 - 1959)



"Power oozes from the barrel of a gun", said Chairman Mao.

..... And it still does ......!

And will continue to do for a long time to come... Be it just in nations or globally, ....... in Sports or in War Games.... 2008 or .... 8002.

The Olympic Rings of sports are the sufferings of past centuries although such rings are recent romanticised idealistic symbols representing 5 regions of the world.

Read more of the history at :

Achievement, success, victory , ... glamorised suffering, all just for a garland that fades.

The same fields that poor peasants plough with their sweat and where soldiers bleed to death, where wars were faught, are now used for glory of man's push to their finite noble limits. This twilight zone or outer limits is lit with a torch of human sufferings as a sanctuary of peace amidst violence and protests.

In poverty its a farm; In war its a battlefield; In wealth its a sports arena!


Saturday, April 12, 2008


Truth is the only safe ground to stand on.
Elizabeth Cady Stanton
US suffragist (1815 - 1902)
The Following thoughts are taken from Tips For Success.Org which are succinct, true and universal.

When you state the truth, you succeed.

For example, if you exaggerate a customer's problem to increase your income you run into problems. The customer can sense the lie, no matter how sincere you act. If you are caught, the penalties are painful.

If you understate the customer's problem or your fees, you are selling out what you know to be true. You prevent your customer from making the proper decisions. You feel like a wimp.

You must look the customer in the eye, without hesitation, and deal with the truth. The customer can then act accordingly. You did your job even if the person doesn't like the truth.

When you have the courage to call the truth the truth you become a more powerful force. It is easy to hold a position on an honest fact.

For example, your software adds numbers incorrectly. You call the software technician who looks it over. He says, "the problem is the user, the software is fine." You pull a calculator and prove the computer's answer is wrong.

Because you know the truth, you refuse to agree with the technician. No matter how smart the expert is, or how inexperienced the user is, you KNOW the figures do not add up. You have personal integrity.

The same idea applies to your family, spouse and friends. You agree or disagree based on what you know to be true, not on what they want you to believe.


Integrity means you stick to your personal code of conduct. You stick to what you decide is right and wrong.

When you live with integrity, you succeed. You are open and honest. Your life is uncomplicated and less stressful.

When you have good integrity you have no reason to lie. You can look at yourself in the mirror. You have nothing to hide.

The Best Code of Conduct for you.

So what is right and ethical for you?

How do you work out your own code of conduct?

"WHAT IS TRUE FOR YOU is what you have observed yourself.

"And when you lose that you have lost everything."

"What is personal integrity?

"Personal integrity is knowing what you know -

"What you know is what you know -

"And to have courage to know and say what you have observed.

"And that is integrity

"And there is no other integrity." - L. Ron Hubbard

No one needs to tell you what is right or wrong. You can see and decide for yourself.

For example, David may decide it is perfectly fine to drink wine with dinner. Steven may observe the same issue and decide it is wrong to drink wine. Both individuals make their own decisions. Both are operating with integrity.

Margie may decide spending money on vacations is a crime while Liza may decide skipping vacation is a crime. Both make their own decisions about what is right and wrong.

Like most people, you probably decided it is wrong to not support your family, abandon a friend, steal from your company, cheat on your marriage, shoplift, abuse drugs and so on.

You probably believe it is good to work hard, be kind to your parents, have fun, pay your bills, tell the truth, return things you borrow and so on.

You know the truth when you see it. You know you are using integrity when you look in the mirror.

When you deceive your partner you both lose a little. if you lie to your spouse, you lose a little. Whenever you abandon what you know to be true, you lose.

Nothing makes you more miserable than "selling out" and failing to stick to your integrity.

Ten Benefits Of Living With Integrity

1. When you stick to what you know is right and wrong, you don't regret anything you have done.

2. People follow your example and act more honestly.

3. Your powers of observation are more accurate. You can see the truth about others more easily.

4. No need to keep your stories straight as your stories are facts. Less mental work is required.

5. You handle rejection and criticism more easily. For example, you are not bothered if someone says, "You charge too much!" As you no doubt that your charges or fees are fair, you know the other person has the problem.

6. You have fewer personality conflicts with others even when you are aggressive.

7. You fight crimes against you with more ferocity when you have nothing to hide.

8. When you make a mistake, it is easy to accept responsibility and move forward.

9. You earn the reputation as a person with integrity. For example, employees brag about honest bosses. "He might be more honest about your work than you might want to hear, but he is fair and doesn't lie."

10. Your odds of being sued, fined or convicted of a crime go way down.

One of the most important ways to manifest integrity is
to be loyal to those who are not present.
In doing so, we build the trust of those who are present.
Stephen Covey,
7 Habits of Highly Effective People



The poor are ruled by the rich, and those who borrow are slaves of moneylenders ....

so declares Proverbs 22:7 in the Contemporary English Version.

Financial systems are structured in such a way to enslave and to ensure the rich get richer and the poor get poorer and forever enslaved.

Remember the song "Sixteen Tons"? Check it out.

A lifetime of work and what do you get? " ... Another day older and deeper in debt ... I owe my soul to the company's store...."

The system is so crafted to keep golden handcuffs on, causing much
stress and delusions.

The true prisoners are the ones out there, ..... caught in a never ending cycle of debt.... serving a system devised by the few rich to ensure the next generation already OWE them.

Our cheerful work song no longer is sung as ...
"Hi Ho, Hi Ho, and off to work we go...!"

Its now ...
"I Owe, I Owe, and off to work we go...!"

Devices are spun to keep the illusion. Chasing after needless wants are dangled to keep up the urge and drive. No more the whip but the carrot, yet at times both the whip and the carrot. Materialism and consumerism rule and money is "created" to keep up the delusion of ownership when the true owners are the paper money printers. The love of money becomes the shackles and the driving force for all kinds of evil.

From slavery comes poverty to an illusion of wealth and in want of power, ... out pours blood - WAR is next to complete the cycle.

After a war, extreme poverty and slavery restarts the cycle.

Start a war and create bonds, which is another slavery and debt that governments and systems of governments spin further to ensure an impression of supremacy and control.

Lives are sacrificed.
The captors and captives both suffer casualties.
Society goes to chaos.
Rebuilding gets ahead.

Out come the money-lenders, power brokers,
experts and saviours of the nation in turmoil.
Slavery spirals up a new rung.

Society is put into another cycle of debt and eventual slavery....
now with a new face.

The old familiar system is repackaged and re-presented in another form and nomenclature with a new language

What has been will be again....
There is nothing new under the sun....

This time round technology rules,
media speaks, power brokers again enslave.

The spin doctors are again keeping the world go round.

Behold, The Old has Gone.........!
For good...? Really...?
Reform ... or ... re-formed...?

The New has Come ....... !!!
The New Economic Policy... (The NEP)

The Never Ending Pain!

Socialism failed because it couldn't tell the economic truth; capitalism may fail because it couldn't tell the ecological truth.
Lester Brown,
Fortune Brainstorm Conference, 2006


Thursday, April 10, 2008

Its Not About Tall Tales

Everyone wants to be the greatest, the most powerful, the richest or owning the tallest building in the world. So where or when will this end?

So the truth here is, we are not here about tall tales. We are here to talk about matters that are true. Matters that makes you think and wonder and ponder and wrestle. Matters that may give you sleepless nights. Matters that drives you to pace the floor a thousand times. Matters that are closest to the heart. Matters that causes you to think hard. Matters that compel ...

The Real U Thinking Hard


The Opposite is the truth

One day, the father of a very wealthy family took his son on a trip to the country with the express purpose of showing him how poor people live. They spent a couple of days and nights on the farm of what would be considered a very poor family.

On their return from their trip, the father asked his son,
"How was the trip?"

"It was great, Dad."

So,... tell me ..., what you learned from the trip?" asked the father.

The son answered:
"I saw that we have one dog and they had four.
We have a pool that reaches to the middle of our garden and
they have a creek that has no end.

We have imported lanterns in our garden and
they have the stars at night ...

Our patio reaches to the front yard and they have the whole horizon.

We have a small piece of land to live on and
they have fields that go beyond our sight.

We have servants who serve us, but they serve others

We buy our food, but they grow theirs.

We have walls around our property to protect us;
they have friends to protect them."

The boy's father was speechless.

Then his son added, "Thanks Dad for showing me how poor we are."

Isn't PERSPECTIVE a wonderful thing? Make you wonder what would happen if we all give thanks for eveything we have, instead of worrying about what we don't have.

The Real U in a Real World in Real Space and Real Time.
Virtual Realities diminish Existential Being.
Wealth and poverty are just such virtual realities.
True realities take cue from a different paradigm.
Appreciate every single thing you have, especially your FRIENDS.

The opposite of a correct statement is a false statement. But the opposite of a profound truth may well be another profound truth.
Niels Bohr
Danish physicist (1885 - 1962)

Truth be Told

Truth be Told

If you want to tell people the truth, make them laugh, otherwise they'll kill you.
Oscar Wilde
Irish dramatist, novelist, & poet (1854 - 1900)

Click to Read Get the poster from MAKKEZ
Free the 5! Campaign To all Malaysians
You who still have Freedom of Speech and Rights as Malaysian Citizens
When Nathaniel Tan was locked up by ISA, blogs by Malays, Chinese, Indians and others posted up his picture for the Free Nathaniel campaign. There were candle light vigils, and pressure from all kinds of human rights activists.

Now why is the Hindraf 5 so different?

They were there when the poor were being trodden upon (estate workers).
They were there when the basic right to have a place of worship was being demolished (temples).
And they were there when the marginalized were being chopped up (Kg. Medan).

Just because they were fighting for the rights of Indians doesn't mean that they deserve any less empathy...which Malay or Chinese leader was brave enough to stand for the rights of the marginalized Indians? Heck, which other Indian leader had such a bold and fearless stand against those who oppress.

Don't complain when the downtrodden had enough and tried to present their plight to the nation through a rally. And if these guys had not been here, the rally would have happened anyway, perhaps in a more aggressive manner, maybe next year, or 5 years from now.

The Indian community is an explosive keg of dynamite, brewing for decades. Indians need a unifying factor that will keep them in check, which I believe these guys genuinely are.

They need a voice to channel their woes, which the government had effectively silenced and gagged. Their voices are loudest when silenced and will ring to eternity to the very throne of grace.

Let the Hindraf leadership "fight the good fight" for the marginalized with posters of Gandhi and bouquets of roses, all in a clear and clean social conscience.

The Hindraf leaders are not terrorists. They are HUMAN RIGHTS ACTIVISTS. Recognize them as they are, and not as the boogeymen of the government. So get off your lethargic slump and do something. The least you can do is to put up a word for them in your blogs in rememberance; remember them in your every meal, in your sunrise and every sunset. Remember them as a voice in the wilderness. Your continuing freedom is their bondage. Upon themselves have they born our stripes and have allowed themselves to be taken to set us free from yokes of tyrants.

Give freedom back to those who inspired the cries of Makkal Sakthi, stand for truth - People Power - regardless of race or religion.
The British indentured at least 2 million Indians between 1845 and 1941 as noted in
COOLIES :How Britain Reinvented Slavery
I submit that an individual who breaks a law that conscience tells him is unjust, and who willingly accepts the penalty of imprisonment in order to arouse the conscience of the community over its injustice, is in reality expressing the highest respect for the law.
Martin Luther King Jr.
US black civil rights leader & clergyman (1929 - 1968)


Contrary to popular belief, slavery didn’t end with Abraham Lincoln in 1865. Experts estimate that today there are 27 million people enslaved around the world. It’s happening in countries on all six inhabited continents. And yes, that includes the United States. The CIA estimates 14,500 to 17,000 victims are trafficked into the “Land of the Free” every year.

Why hasn’t more been done to end a dehumanizing, universally condemned practice? One challenge is that slavery today takes on myriad, subtler forms than it did during the Atlantic Slave Trade — including sex trafficking, debt bondage, forced domestic or agricultural labor, and chattel slavery — making it tougher to identify and eradicate.


CHATTEL SLAVERY is closest to the slavery that prevailed in early American history. Chattel slaves are considered their masters’ property — exchanged for things like trucks or money and expected to perform labor and sexual favors. Once of age, their children are expected to do the same. Chattel slavery is typically racially-based; in the North African country of Mauritania, for example, black Africans serve the lighter-skinned Arab-Berber communities. Though slavery was legally abolished there in 1980, today 90,000 slaves continue to serve the Muslim Berber ruling class. Similarly, in the African country of Sudan, Arab northerners are known to raid the villages in the South — killing all the men and taking the women and children to be auctioned off and sold into slavery.

DEBT BONDAGE, or bonded labor, is the most widely practiced form of slavery around the world. In Southeast Asia, where it is most prevalent, debt bondage claims an estimated 15 to 20 million victims. The staggering poverty there forces many parents to offer themselves or their own children as collateral against a loan. Though they are promised they will work only until their debt is paid off, the reality is much grimmer. Thanks to inflated interest rates and fresh debts incurred while being fed and housed, the debt becomes impossible to pay off. As a result, it is often inherited by the bonded laborer’s children, perpetuating a vicious cycle that can claim several generations.

SEX SLAVERY finds women and children forced into prostitution. Many are lured by false offers of a good job and then beaten and forced to work in brothels. In Southeast Asia, however, it is not uncommon to find women coerced by their own husbands, fathers, and brothers to earn money for the men in the family to pay back local money lenders. In other cases, victims pay tens of thousands of dollars to get to another country and are then forced into prostitution in pay off their own debts. In still others, women or girls are plainly kidnapped from their home countries. The sex slavery trade thrives in Central and Eastern Europe and in North America. An estimated two million women and children are sold into sex slavery around the world every year.

FORCED LABOR often results when individuals are lured by the promise of a good job but instead find themselves subjected to slaving conditions — working without payment and enduring physical abuse, often in harsh and hazardous conditions. Victims include domestic workers, construction workers, and even human mine detectors. Migrant workers are particularly vulnerable, as their constant changes of location make the organized crime rings that traffic them difficult to bust.

COOLIES : HOW BRITAIN REINVENTED SLAVERY. The slave trade was officially abolished throughout the British Empire in 1807. This documentary reveals one of Britain's darkest secrets : a form of slavery that continued well into the 20th century - the story of Indian indentured labour.
Indentured workers from North India.

Link to more reading details on "Ending Slavery"
An excellent reference and thorough presentation.