Sunday, January 17, 2010

GOD or ALLAH - Playing with SMOKELESS FIRE ! ! !

"... the bush was burning, yet it was not consumed."
... 'What is his name?'
God said to Moses, "I AM WHO I AM."

A Picture speaks a Thousand Words.
As the world sees ... the Good, ... the Bad, ... the Ugly ... of ultra religious but very ungodly men out to lord over and to destroy.

Can such violence as burning of Church Buildings be from true men of faith and of God ... god by what ever name, be it Christian "Allah" or Muslim "Allah" ?
Click HERE if this video does not open.

"ALLAH" is not glorified by either Christians or Muslims if the use of this name results in wanton destruction.
The great "I AM " sets men free from slavery and enslavement of any sort.
The cries of those oppressed has reached God :
"I have surely seen the affliction of my people ... and have heard their cry because of their taskmasters. I know their sufferings, .... " (Exodus 3)

Destruction does not promote your religious cause. It only reveals the perpetrators of such evils and show them to be ungodly.

Click HERE is this video does not open.

Make no mistake, all vehemence and assertions with threats and destruction are not of God or of merciful "Allah" but of a false and deceitful spirit posing as if God or of any other name of God.

Muslims abroad condemn attack of Malaysian Churches.

Click HERE if the video does not open.

Religion : Missing the Mark of Godliness.
If this video does not open click HERE (What's Good About Religion)

Check out Pat Condell's "Appeasing Islam" and "The Religion of Fear"
Pat Condell is an Atheist. He therefore looks with a microscope and a telescope without being the specimen. His sharp remarks apply to all adherents of any faith and challenges the non-senses of all. You neither need to love him nor hate him. You only need to consider him who has been thinking hard on issues and passionately delivers his observations.
He is more rationally "religious" and "fanatical" of his belief than any extremist in a pacifistic manner.

By Contrast to "I AM": The Fire that does not Consume is different from Smokeless Fire.
Click on the following words to read links.
Jinn are created from Smokeless Fire by Allah.

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