Saturday, June 7, 2008

Truth That Lies Behind The "Lies" - DEFINITION OF A POLITICIAN

Poker Face .... UM..mmm NO...Monkey Face
No monkey faces please! I am not amused.

The smile ..... that more than meets the eye.
Looks like me ..., sounds like me ...
but its a chimpanzee. So it can't be me !

With the recent events in Malaysia, we really wonder where the TRUTH lies. Can we trust what we hear or read anymore (or at all)? Are what had been announced and published the truth? Are they all not lies? Are there any hidden agendas? Obviously these are just propaganda, decoys and red herrings designed to rob, plunder and to deceive.

One day we were told that the fuel prices will
be reviewed in August and thus all foreign cars are
not allowed to fill their tanks within 50km from the border. By the next day we choked on the petrol price jump of a whopping 40+%.

Ah... as for diesel, ... die lah... at 60%!
"Diesel" shall now be renamed to "Dielah" after the fondled memories of Paklah and his "Delilah".

The fuel restriction imposed on foreign cars entering our borders the previous day, ... by dawn .... has been lifted to the delight of the smugglers and the foreigners but to the chagrin of the citizens of Bolehland. This really makes one wonder; What REALLY is on the mind of our Government, if they really had one at all?

May I venture to suggest: Dollah ... for ... Dollar ...

The Government that had been plundering from the people ... tried to plunder the foreigners for one day ... but awoke the following day to ROB the people again. Its easier that way. Looks good outside but filthy inside. This is money politics.
They can't be that stupid as to set a rule and then do away with it the next day...can they? They did just that. They made an idiot of themselves again.... or the citizens. They tell us to change our life style again when changing our lifestyle will mean changing them. Then they'll see what it means.
They just change clothes but not the landscape.

You might think that they can't be so stupid as to tell you an outright lie that Parliament will not be dissolved, which they did not too long ago, and yet immediately the next day dissolved it and called for a General Election...can they? Of course, they are consistently bad or stupid then ... and again now. STUPID, ... BODOH, ... DUNGGU, .... whatever you wish to call it , it makes no difference. These are hardcore criminals ... jokers ... jesters ... or ... junkies.
A fool
is a fool, and there is no fool like .......... an old fool.
He only fools himself ...... BUT at our expense.

Where is the TRUTH? What is REALLY the TRUTH? What is the game that our so-called Government is playing now? What really lies behind all these "truths" that we read? Who and what can we trust now? Have we been fed with lies all along? Can you even trust what you are reading now or are we spreading lies here but with the TRUTH hidden?

is too good a word to be abused here. They are not using "Truth". "Lies" too is not appropriate. They are not telling lies. They are just treating us as objects to be exploited. We are just their public convenience.

Their shit-hole ...their Tan(sri)Das, their Jamban.

Put on your best smile. We'll unmask you...

We are not dealing with truth or lies.
We are dealing with CRIMINALS

devils........ and blood-suckers... who have the smug smiling face of an angel but the heart of a devil - if the devil has a heart.
They only look at the king's head in the currency note, but not the king's face.

.... Time's up !...
There must be a law passed against all politicians who did what the Government had been doing, and still does, ... gradually draining the life-blood of the citizens - the law should be DEATH SENTENCE or LIFE SENTENCE for such as these. How these are to be worked out, its up to the Law-makers. Then again if there are still any left that have goolies (balls) before we are all made COOLIES to their "Ketuanan".

Guess Who's next ... ?
More crooked morons playing with crooked knives?
Or Straight men ...... with an axe to grind?
The NEXT change :
Any Joker can run this country provided ...
.... he is a Professional Liar !... which is ...
Nothing else is True when it comes to politics
Take a good look at this link and let ...
T.he R.eal U. T.hinking H.ard ... prevail ...!
Reality and Illision In Politics

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